
Monday, February 4, 2013

Supermarket Tips for Shopping in Panama Part 2 (food)

A couple of days ago, I wrote about cleaning agents and condiments, in my attempt to share some of the items I've learned to buy here in Panama, to save a little bit of money. When talking about living in Panama, people love to mention how affordable life is. It can be. But it can also be much more expensive than what you were used to back home. Imported goods are not cheap. So you have to learn to pick and choose. Figure out which imported items you can't live without. For the rest, try to buy local things to save money. 

In this post I'll concentrate on food. Here's a list of edible items I've slowly caught onto over the past 3+ years of living in Panama City. I'll start with some of the essentials, then move on to snacks and breakfast foods.

Egg bread

Rimith Moña de Huevo - Moña de Huevo, or egg bread, costs about $1.79 for the loaf you see in the above photo. I got turned on to this the first time I visited Panama. This is the type of bread commonly used to make derretidos (basically paninis) or sandwiches squished and grilled. This bread is so good you can eat it right out of the pack. Try it out. 


Kiggins Corn Flakes - I love cereal. Finding out recently that I'm beginning stages diabetic has forced me to cut back on all the sugary sweets I love. It's hard to find cereal that's not covered in sugar. Now, I'm not saying that corn flakes is the healthiest cereal out there, but with a little bit of artificial sweetener, it's not nearly as bad as a bowl of Captain Crunch. 

Panamanian supermarkets tend to have several brands of corn flakes. You'd think that the original Corn Flakes, the one with the rooster on the box, would be the best out there. I've tried it and didn't like it at all. Like many other (non imported) brands you're familiar with, it tastes different, and it was paper thin. So I tried some of the generic brands. Some had flakes as hard as rocks and some tasted like cardboard. Then I found the corn flakes shown in the photo above. These are the only ones I like, and they're always on sale for just over two dollars. These ones are made by Kiggins, which is displayed in a little red rectangle at the top center of the box. 

Artificial Sweetener

Dulce - So what should you put on top of your corn flakes? I was a big fan of Splenda back in the States (yes, I know, I'm sure plenty of you reading this are just dying to give me a hard time about how Splenda is part rat poisoning and all that, but sugar will kill me now...and Splenda will at least take awhile). It didn't take long for me to look for an alternative to Splenda. A box of 50 packets here costs $6.95. That's crazy. So I tried out this brand called Dulce by Rikas (which I believe is the same Rika that makes the caldo de pollo seasoning I mentioned in my last post). I think Dulce tastes the same, if not better, than Splenda, and a box of 50 packets costs only $2.39. Some times Dulce is hard to find. The box is yellow and is usually squeezed in somewhere next to Splenda, so look carefully. 


Del Oro Rice - I don't eat rice much anymore. At least I try not to. And to be honest with you, I'm not sure that I can tell the difference between one brand of rice and another. My family can though. God forbid I pick up a cheap, strange brand of rice. At some point, I was told that I was only allowed to buy the rice with the parrot on the front. So...apparently, Del Oro rice, with the bird on the front, is the way to go. You can pick up a 5 pound bag for about $3.39.


Melo Eggs - Like rice, I can't tell you the difference between eggs. I've started picking up this 18 pack of eggs though (remember I have 4 kids so eggs disappear quickly) for $3.39. One thing about eggs here that I found interesting, and a bit strange, is that Panamanians don't usually refrigerate eggs. They're sold on a regular shelf, like any other item in the store. Something else different, is that the expiration date is printed on each individual egg, not on the package like back in the States. 


Nestle Americano Cheese - I was a fan of Kraft American cheese back in the States. I usually picked up a large package at Costco. You can find Kraft at Pricesmart here (which is the Panama version of membership shopping) and even at Riba Smith (but you'll pay a fortune for it). I started buying Nestle Americano cheese. It's great. A 12-pack of individually wrapped slices like you see in the photo above goes for $2.79. 

If you like deli cheese, you have to try the popular brand here in Panama, called Cremoso. Don't stand at the deli and try to figure out which one you want to buy, because I swear, there are like 10 different cheeses that say Cremoso. I watched and studied how Panamanians order cheese, and probably 90% of them just walk up to the counter and ask for Cremoso. The person behind the counter knows which Cremoso to get. I guess Cremoso is American cheese...but it's kind of softer, almost like Velveeta. It's delicious though. I eat it plain, right out of the fridge. 


Port Side Chunk Light Tuna (in water) - I grew up eating a lot of canned tuna. One of my favorite dishes growing up, and one that I've started making for my kids, is my mama's tuna casserole. Tuna doesn't really qualify as cheap anymore though. I think Starkist and Chicken of the Sea go for a little over $1.30 per can, which adds up when you need at least 5 cans for a casserole.

I tried a few Panamanian brands, but most of them aren't very affordable. They seem to rival the American brands. Something else you might find strange, is the large variety of canned tuna here. Panamanian supermarkets sell tuna with vegetables mixed in, tuna with garlic, tuna with all kinds of stuff. Finally, I found the tuna in the photo above. Only $.90 per can.

Plantain Chips

Pro brand Platanos - If you don't already love plantains, you'll find that they'll grow on you the longer you stay in Panama. Plantain chips are almost as popular as potato chips here. The problem is, most of the ones you find in the supermarket, or sold at street side vendor carts, are just smothered in grease. You can look at the package and just see the grease in the chips. My wife's friend, Jennifer, goes to the gym all the time and watches what she eats. She turned us on to these chips. They're delicious, 0g trans fat, gluten free, and no cholesterol. Pro brand sells them in three flavors (sweet plantain chips, regular salted, and our favorite, the lime and salt ones). You'll only find them in personal sized bags. The one in the photo above costs only 79 cents, but you'll be surprised how many chips are squeezed into this small bag. 

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chokis or Mini-Chokis - These things are awesome. I have to steal a cookie or two every once in awhile from my kids. If you like the original Chips Ahoy (not the soft ones as these are quite hard), you'll like Chokis. Chips Ahoy go for about $4 per pack, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the store. The package shown in the photo above comes with 5 packs of I think 6 cookies, about the same size as Chips Ahoy cookies, for only $1.59. They're really good, kind of like Famous Amos cookies. At Pricesmart they sell boxes of school-size packs of mini chokis for I think around $3. 


Crisp crackers - Panamanians don't waste money on Ritz. You will find Ritz here in the supermarkets, but they go for between $3.50 and $4 a pack. These Crisp crackers are just as good and cost much less. The packages shown in the photo above cost only $1.85. 


El Antojo tortillas de maiz - I've written about tortillas before. I was addicted to these things when I first moved here. I love all kinds of tortillas, especially Mexican ones, and these are much different. They're thick, corn tortillas. Cooking them is easy. You simply heat oil in a skillet, maybe a half an inch deep. When the oil is really hot, use tongs (makes it easier) and place the tortilla into the oil. Keep touching the center of the tortilla with the tongs until the center is no longer soft. That's when you turn it over. Fry the other side just until it's slightly golden. Take it out and let it sit on a paper towel to soak up the excess grease. 

The most popular tortillas you see in all the stores is the Rimith brand (same brand as the egg bread I mentioned earlier). I started off with these ones, but I found the ones in the photo above, which are sold at Rey supermarkets. They're cheaper (only $1 for 12) and cook better. Rimith ones seem to get hard and burn faster. These El Antojo ones turn out great. 


Delicias Mi Casita - Panamanians love fried food, especially for breakfast. Empanadas are a staple here and can be found in every restaurant and at tons of street vendors. If you want to try them out at home, you'll find both maiz (corn) and flour empanadas. I like the flour ones. You cook them much the same as the tortillas, but they cook quicker...and burn just as fast, so be careful. You put them in oil just until the under side turns lightly golden, then turn and do the same on the other side. Be careful though, lightly golden turns to dark brown and black super fast.

I can't really tell you my favorite brand of flour empanadas, because I haven't tried enough of them to say. The brand in the photo above is ok. You can get a 6-pack for $1.69. Queso (cheese), carne (meat), and pollo (chicken) are the three options from this brand. They're kinda stingy on the stuffing though. 

Sliced Pork

Filete de Cerdo Ahumado by American Star - Bacon isn't very affordable in Panama. Pricesmart is probably the only place to buy reasonably priced bacon. For that reason, I started looking for alternative meat products to add to breakfast. These sliced, smoked (which is what ahumado means) pork slices are awesome. You just toss them in a frying pan with a little bit of oil. Sounds horrible, I know, lots of greasy breakfast items here, but I'm just showing you some of the things you can try out. The package you see in the photo goes for $2.95. 


Kiener Chorizos - I don't remember ever having the options for hot dogs, chorizos, and sausages that I have here in Panama. It's crazy. I think there may be more options for hot dogs than there are for feminine hygiene products. Seriously. I stand there looking dumbfounded every time I approach this section of the supermarket. Where do you begin? I'm still trying to figure out the best hot dogs to buy. I kind of like the Hormel Smokies. 

One more meat used for breakfast here is the chorizo. Yes, it's grilled and put in buns, just like everywhere else in the world, but if you want to fry some up to go with breakfast, the best I've found is the Kiener Chorizons shown above for $2.99.


Berard Honey and Apple Chorizos - For non-breakfast chorizos (they're good with breakfast too, actually) you just have to try these honey and apple chorizos. I was at a party the first time I tried them. It's common here, at parties, to put chorizos on wooden sticks, and then slice the chorizos with a knife in a sort of spiral motion, so that when you eat it, you can easily just pull pieces off of the stick. 

Like this

At this family party, I tried one of these chorizos on a stick, and was blown away. I kept asking, "What kind of chorizos are these?" until I finally found out they were Berard brand's honey and apple chorizos. You have to try these grilled, either on a stick, or in a bun. Trust me. You'll thank me later. 

Thanks for reading supermarket tips part 2. In the next installment I'll cover brands of beer, other alcoholic beverages, juices, milk and other things you can drink. 



  1. Great post(series). I was down last May on a fact finding trip and did a shopping comparison to what we pay here at Publix in south Florida. Most of it seemed comparable which is not good if you are trying to save money. The local brands did seem to be the way to go, but which ones? You are answering the question, so thanks.

    One question. I noticed there did not seem to be much in the way of diet or light type sodas and foods. I shopped mostly at Riba Smith at Multi Plaza and Super 99 near Punta Pacifica hospital. Is the lack of diet products a cultural thing?

  2. Hey Doug,

    Thanks so much for checking out my blog. I really appreciate it. I grew up (for the most part) in South Florida, so I know all about Publix shopping (and their awesome guava pastries). Like you said, the cost of food really is comparable. If you buy as many local items as you can, you might fight the cost of living here cheaper, but if you buy a lot of imported foods, you'll eat up what you're saving buying the local foods, so you really do have to learn to stop buying the $6 bags of frozen bagels at Riba Smith and the $7-$8 Breyer Oreo ice cream.

    You're right about the lack of diet foods/sodas. It's getting better. It used to be that all stores only carried Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi (called Coca Cola Lite and Pepsi Lite here) if you were lucky. Then Riba Smith brought in Diet A&W, Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Dr. Pepper and a few other brands. Suddenly many of these started popping up at the Super 99 and Rey supermarkets as well. So it's a lot easier to find diet sodas now, but not nearly as easy as in the States. You won't find a Whole Foods here either. Most supermarkets seem to dedicate about a half an aisle to healthier food, but it's usually the fat free, sugar free, and everything else free stuff packed into the same aisle, so you only have a few options. I'm starting to notice more of the whole grain or wheat pastas and rice in most of the stores too.

    One thing I do have to say about Panama, is that you'll find fruits and vegetables much more affordable here. I swear it costs more to buy salad stuff in the States than it does to buy prime rib. Here, vegetables are really affordable, and you'll find a lot more options as far as fruit goes. So if you want to add produce to your diet, that will be much more affordable here.

    Oh...and one place you might want to check out next time you visit is Deli Gourmet. Deli Gourmet is probably the closest thing to a Whole Foods here. It's much smaller though. They're found all over the city, but they're not cheap.

    Thanks again for checking out my blog.


  3. My husband eats rice, so I bought the one with the parrot and we'll see how he likes it. He's also baffled by all the choices and appreciated the tip. Thanks for the heads up on the tuna. We bought on with vegetables once by mistake, and learned to read the can carefully because that didn't work for us at all. I love tortillas too, but I've been making my own. I find the store bought ones too salty. We found the filete de cuerdo ahumado in our store and really like it. Thanks for that tip. Chorizos? Yes, there are like a hundred different kinds. I'll have to check out your suggestions.

    As for costs, we seem to be spending about half what we spent in Sarasota FL. We eat a lot of produce, beans, tortillas, chicken ($1.30-1.80/lb), and fish (max $2/lb from the fishermen), oh and we found some cheap hamberger (~$1.35/lb) at Romeros. Since we have the time to cook now, we cook from scratch. You are so right, buy important or convience food and you will pay as much as in the US.

    We really appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge! Thank you

  4. Thanks Kris. I hope he likes the rice (keeping my fingers crossed). You know, I've been giving Riba Smith a hard time, but I was in there today, and I'm noticing that on a lot of stuff, the prices are less than what I saw at Rey. Maybe they're noticing that overcharging is keeping some gringos away. For example, a can of Coors Light costs 65 cents at Rey and only 63 cents at Riba Smith. Not the greatest example, just something I noticed. The toilet paper I mentioned in my other post, the size that was in the photo is over three dollars at Rey, but at Riba Smith it was less than 3 bucks, right around the same price as the smaller size at Rey. Hmmm. Maybe they're just tricking me and the prices will go up again soon. It'd be great if the prices stayed low. It's definitely the most comfortable store to shop in. Then again, there's way too much temptation to buy all the imported foods I love there.

  5. Enjoying your food blogs. But after reading the section on the differnt chorizos, I realized that you left out one of the most important parts! Just about all hot dogs here are individually wrapped in clear plastic. Just about all of my expat friends (as well as myself) have put some dogs on the pit and watched the plastic melt off of them. What a surprise! :)

  6. Oh yeah, and that's important too. My father in law asked me just the other night of the chorizos I'd purchased had plastic wrap on them. I told him they didn't, and I was wrong. Thank God he double checked before tossing them on the grill.

    Yeah, even hot dogs here have plastic over each individual dog. It's kind of annoying slicing the plastic off of each one before cooking. I'm thinking of doing one post just about random supermarket stuff that that people need to watch out for. Things that don't really fit into the other categories. If I do, I'll mention the plastic wrap. Good catch.

  7. Enjoyed your blog and have a question for you. Is it possible to find vacuum-packed chicken breasts (frozen is OK) in Panama? Asking because we want to provision our sailboat there before heading to Galapagos. If so, where might we find them. Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions you might have.

  8. Thanks for your comment. Hmm, vacuum packed chicken breasts? I'm not sure to be honest with you. Next time I'm at the supermarket I'll check the frozen goods section. It's quite possible they do. I know I used to buy vacuum packed tilapia at Pricesmart here in town (which is like Costco, member shopping). However, they've since gone back to the regular ol' frozen tilapia. I'll check within the next couple of days, but if anyone else knows the answer to this, please post it in the comments below. Thanks.

