
Monday, April 15, 2013

Just a random Panama post

Hey guys,

I posted this once on Facebook, but I just came across it again today, and I felt like my Panama-loving buddies should see this. I swear, I'm not making this up. I was standing in line at the pharmacy one day, at one of the Rey supermarkets here in Panama City, and I saw this when I looked down. I had to snap a photo.

I don't know what it is. But it was right there on the shelf. All I could think of was, "Hmm, maybe this is the 'The morning after pill didn't work' pill. Hahahaha. 

That's all for today. Just thought you might get a kick out of it. 



  1. more like "the morning after pill doesn't exist in panama, per se, but you have to instead purchase regular birth control and pop a couple handfuls 12 hours apart." lol. (no, but really. fun panafact...)

    my friend was sick recently and got this numbing throat spray. the name? angiovag. i saw it on his bathroom counter and laughed.

  2. That's awesome. "I think I need some Angiovag for my throat." Could be worse. If the i were switched to an "l". Then it might be only for expats.

    1. k, that got a literal LOL out loud, to use a monk-ism. best part is, he's gay, so that would SO never happen, lol.
