
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Written Report and Video on Casco Viejo, Panama

Hey guys,

It probably seems like I'm not writing as much as I used to, but the honest truth is that I'm writing much more than ever, and putting together very detailed videos about living here in Panama. The problem is, I'm much more limited with what I can do here on this blog, compared to what I can do on our other website. 

I've mentioned before that I want to keep adding stuff to this blog because I know some people still prefer to read here rather than at the PFR website. And of course I'm publishing all of our regular blog posts here on this site. I'm just worried that those people are missing out on some of the additional info we have to offer. I recently put together a very detailed (about 4,000 words or so) written article and a video report on Casco Viejo, Panama's old town. I don't want you guys to miss that info so I'm going to post the links here. I think I'm going to do this from now on so the people who read about it here first, can click the links and check out what we're putting together over there. 

Here's the link to the Casco Viejo written report:

Here's the link to the Casco Viejo video report:

This the 10th of these Location Reports (written and video) we've published, so if you've missed the others, you can see them in the PFR Location Reports tab at the top of the page at

Everything on the Panama For Real website is 100% free. So, for anyone hesitating on checking out the site, don't. It's me, the same ol' Chris Powers, just trying to put together more than the regular blog.

Hope you find the reports helpful,


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